Dining and Dogs - Not a Good Mix

Friday, 24 July 2020

Dining and Dogs - Not a Good Mix

Let Me Ask, Why Not Leave Them At Home?

Now I get that they may have gone for a walk and then you have stopped off at the pub for a drink, but the two should be separate activities. Enjoy the walk with your dog, don’t then punish it and everyone else by taking it into the pub. 

I don’t agree with dogs in pubs, restaurants, hotels, cafe’s, in fact anywhere where they serve food of any kind.  It simply isn’t right,  is not a good mix, and quite frankly should be stopped! Talk about smoking being banned, lets put a ban on dogs! Caveat here, apart from guide dogs, of course, it goes without saying. But It is simply disgusting that they should be around people anywhere who are eating, for one, and with hotels, I stay away a lot of the time and seriously, they should not be allowed to stay in the rooms, what are kennels for?   

The owners are irresponsible as they do nothing to help the situation, if the dog is barking they won’t take it outside or deal with it, they let it bark. If the dog jumps up at someone, they say it’s affectionate and harmless! However if a small child were to behave in much the same way there would be many an upturned nose!  

The barking is very intrusive, yes, and can ruin an occasion, however it is the smell which is most off putting and in some places you can tell there is a dog present even before seeing it. If you are going there to eat, frankly it’s a right put off. I say, bring back the smoking, at least it would detract from the smell of dog!

Detail about Dogs In Pubs and irritations


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