About me - Who am I?

Friday, 3 July 2020

About me - Who am I?

Vussey, but not Fussey.

Though I am frustrated, bitter, disappointed, angry and annoyed.

However, I suspect I am not the only one and this platform is perfect for me to share the good and bad with all foodies of all kinds, for people who are passionate about food. You can find anything you want now just by searching, which makes it even more important to share - and importantly, good food gives good emotions and each time I enjoyed something, I wanted others to enjoy it too - its as simple as that!

So....who am I?

Just a simple soul actually, with a passion for food which won’t go away! I have had a love of food for as long as I can remember, but if I had to put a timescale on it, I would say it goes back to when I was perhaps 8 or 10 years old and used to travel to France with my family. 

The variety of the food in the 70’s and 80’s in France was mind blowing to a small child with flavours which could not compare. I started to experiment and understand more about food, interspersed with ‘fried tinned spam and beans’ cooked by the roadside on a camping stove on the journey through France to keep costs down (with four children it was expensive for mum and dad).

Growing up I carried my taste for the Mediterranean style of eating with me, and I would say this is probably my preferred cuisine, although, I can, and will, eat almost anything, disliking only one item of food - raw celery!

And....what is this all about?

So what do I hope to achieve? Ultimately, I want to share my passion with others, like you, I hope you will share your passion with others, and me - also I hope to give a little insight into nutrition, food, eating well, enjoying food and peoples habits, through my eyes only. So jump on, jump in and enjoy!

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